Look how lovely the new wall at the Greenbrier Parkway entrance looks!

wall on island lit at night

Thank you to Bill Stafford for handling all the tedious details with the insurance company so the money was in hand to make this happen. Thank you to the Ad Hoc committee that met early this year and presented several options. Kudos and a thousand thanks to Marilyn Hughes, who took on the volunteer job of Clerk of the Works to oversee the construction of the wall; how she sweet-talked The Natural Stone Yard and Joe’s Signs to accomplish the rebuild in such a short time is a mystery, but she did! Finally, thank you to Geoffrey Smith for re-installing the floodlight so it is now illuminated at night.

But, wait, there’s more to come. There are plans to remove all the old juniper, pine straw and weeds. Fresh sod, which will be much easier to maintain, will be installed. Seasonal plantings will continue.

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